Windsor Software

Windsor Software Model™ of the
TOGAF® Architecture Development Method (ADM)
TOGAF ADM Preliminary Phase - Approach Phase A - Architecture Vision - Approach Phase B - Business Architecture - Approach Phase C - Information Systems Architecture - Approach Phase D - Technology Architecture - Approach Phase E - Opportunities and Solutions - Approach Phase F - Migration Planning - Approach Phase G - Implementation Governance - Approach Phase H - Change Management - Approach Requirements Management

ADM Phases & Approach - Phase F - Migration Planning:

    The main focus of Phase F is the creation of a viable Implementation and Migration Plan in co-operation with the portfolio and project managers.

    Phase F activities include assessing the dependencies, costs, and benefits of the various migration projects. The prioritized list of projects will form the basis of the detailed Implementation and Migration Plan that will supplement the architectures with portfolio and project-level detail assigning tasks to specific resources.

    The Implementation and Migration Plan is part of a family of plans issued by enterprise management frameworks that have to be closely co-ordinated to ensure that business value is delivered and that the resources are made available to complete the necessary work. This phase ensures that all concerned agencies outside of the enterprise architecture world are aware of the scope and import of the Implementation and Migration Plan and its implications with respect to their activities.

    Finally, the architecture evolution cycle should be established to ensure that the architecture stays relevant, and lessons learned should be documented to enable continuous process improvement.

Click on any Phase to learn about ADM Methods
See our new book "Building Enterprise Architecture"
This book describes a new EA framework and
methodology that fills in where TOGAF leaves off.
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