Windsor Software

Windsor Software Model™ of the
TOGAF® Architecture Development Method (ADM)
TOGAF ADM Preliminary Phase - Objectives Phase A - Architecture Vision - Objectives Phase B - Business Architecture - Objectives Phase C - Information Systems Architecture - Objectives Phase D - Technology Architecture - Objectives Phase E - Opportunities and Solutions - Objectives Phase F - Migration Planning - Objectives Phase G - Implementation Governance - Objectives Phase H - Change Management - Objectives Requirements Management

ADM Phases & Objectives - Phase E - Opportunities & Solutions:

The objectives of Phase E are:

  • To review the target business objectives and capabilities, consolidate the gaps from Phases B to D, and then organize groups of building blocks to address these capabilities

  • To review and confirm the enterprise's current parameters for and ability to absorb change

  • To derive a series of Transition Architectures that deliver continuous business value (e.g., capability increments) through the exploitation of opportunities to realize the building blocks

  • To generate and gain consensus on an outline Implementation and Migration Strategy
Click on any Phase to learn about ADM Methods
See our new book "Building Enterprise Architecture"
This book describes a new EA framework and
methodology that fills in where TOGAF leaves off.
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